Kraków Weather Averages

Kraków Weather Averages

The climate in Kraków is temperate since it has both an oceanic and continental climate, meaning that it has cold winters and mild summers.  

It rains all year round in Kraków and sometimes quite heavily. The average rainy days in winter are 7 days a month and in spring it climbs up to 16 days a month.

Summer in Kraków

The summers in Kraków are very pleasant with average temperatures ranging from 14ºC (57ºF) to 24ºC (76ºF) in July and August. Although the record high temperatures reach 38ºC (99ºF), it is very unusual.

Winter in Kraków

The winters are usually very cold in Kraków and during December, January and February there are approximately 12 snowy days a month. The coldest month is January, when temperatures drop to between -5ºC (23ºF) and 1ºC (34ºF).

The best time of year to visit Kraków

Although the snowy and dark winter days provide Kraków with a special allure, the low temperatures make it a bit uncomfortable to discover the city in winter.

If you can, we suggest visiting Kraków in spring or autumn when temperatures are perfect for doing tourism. As we previously mentioned, winters are too cold and in summer the city is normally packed with visitors.