Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist, risked his life to save his Jewish employees from the concentration camps. Discover his remarkable life by visiting his factory in Krakow on a 1.5-hour guided tour.
As depicted in the Oscar-winning film “Schindler’s List,” a dramatization of this true story, Oskar Schindler was an ambitious German tycoon who lived in Krakow, occupied Poland. After taking control of an enamelware factory, he decided to employ Jewish workers to save on labor costs. However, when he discovered the suffering of the Jews in the concentration camps at the hands of the Nazi Party during World War II, he decided to save his workers. By bribing Nazi officials, buying food and medicine in the black market, and going bankrupt in the process, Oskar Schindler saved hundreds of lives.
Schindler’s Factory houses a permanent exhibition about the Holocaust death camps and how the industrialist did his utmost to save as many Jewish workers as possible. The exhibition discusses the history of all the city's residents: Jews, non-Jewish Poles & Germans. It relates one of the darkest periods of history with photos, recordings, and documents which will take you back in time.
Embark on a guided tour that takes you through the compelling rooms of Oskar Schindler's factory, which have been transformed into an interactive museum showcasing Kraków's history during Nazi occupation. Step into Oskar's original office, where you can immerse yourself in the stories and testimonies of the survivors featured in Schindler's List. Explore the secretary room, a space filled with poignant accounts that provide a powerful glimpse into the past.
Why Book a Guided Tour?
Not only is this guided tour economical, it's also the best way to explore Oskar Schindler’s Factory! Your guide will reveal the unique story of Schindler and how he saved the lives of 1,200 Jews while you walk through the museum.
Children under 7
Given the nature of the content of the tour, the visit is not recommended for children under 7 years of age. If they do participate in the tour, they do not need their own ticket as they can enter free of charge.
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