Polish Language
Although the official language spoken in Poland is Polish, a lot of citizens living in Kraków speak English perfectly.
The inhabitants of Kraków speak impeccable English, so you needn’t worry. However, if you wish to learn a little Polish while you travel to the country, this list will come in handy. It even includes a section to use at restaurants.
- Hello
- Dzien dobry
- How are you?
- Jak sie masz?
- I'm fine
- W porzadku
- Please
- Prosze
- Thank you
- Dziekuje
- Yes
- Tak
- No
- Nie
- Goodbye
- Do widzenia
At a restaurant
- I'm a vegetarian
- Wegetariański
- Breakfast
- śniadanie
- Lunch
- Obiad
- Dinner
- Kolacja
- Chicken
- Kurczak
- Veal
- Cielę
- Fish
- Ryba
- Ham
- Szynka
- Sausage
- Parówka
- Cheese
- Ser
- Eggs
- Jajko
- Salad
- Sałatka
- Vegetables
- Warzywo
- Fruit
- Owoc
- Bread
- Chleb
- Noodles
Krajanka - Rice
- Ryż
- Coffee
- Kawa
- Tea
- Herbata
- Juice
- Sok
- Mineral water
- Woda mineralna
- Water
- Woda z kranu
- Beer
- Piwo
Days of the week
- Monday
- Poniedzialek
- Tuesday
- Wtorek
- Wednesday
- Sroda
- Thursday
- Czwartek
- Friday
- Piatek
- Saturday
- Sobota
- Sunday
- Niedziela
- One
- Jeden
- Two
- Dwa
- Three
- Trzy
- Four
- Cztery
- Five
- Piec
- Six
- Szesc
- Seven
- Siedem
- Eight
- Osiem
- Nine
- Dziewiec
- Ten
- Dziesiec
Other useful expressions
- Aspirin
- Aspiryna
- Left
- Lewa strona
- Right
- Prawa strona
- Half
- Dzielić na pół
- Less
- Mniej
- More
- Więcej